I’m Naomi, a professional dog groomer devoted to mans best-friend!

I created this blog for people like you who HEART their dogs and want the absolute best for them, oh and... I also have an itch that needs to be scratched (don’t worry, it’s not fleas), so here I am.
I have been a professional dog groomer for over 14 years now, and for the last 10 years I have run my own successful grooming business from home. My blog will be a place for me to share my knowledge and all the tips and tricks I have learnt over the years to help you look after your dogs coat in between grooming appointments.
(Image by author, unpublished)
From puppies to seniors, from long coats to short coats, from tail styles to paw-dicure’s and how to achieve long eyelashes... nothing is off limits!
I will answer your questions about different breeds, coat types, bubble baths, nail clipping, brushes, correct techniques, grooming facts, and (shhhh!), I will even share some insider secrets about life as a groomer.
And... I’m always sniffing around to find out the latest trends and doggie adventures to share with you.
So, what are the first 2 things people normally want to know when they find out I’m a dog groomer?
1. How often should I get my dog groomed?
2. What’s the best brush to use in between grooms?
Great questions! I will be answering these and a whole lot more in my posts. There’s just so much that I need to tell you!
First though, I should warn you now. It’s not always going to be about cute and fluffy!

Sometimes we are going to discuss some weird stuff too. Like why it’s important to keep your dog’s butt-hole clean and trimmed for their health (yep... it’s a thing). And how a career in grooming can be noisy, dirty, smelly, and physically challenging.
I also want to share with you the creative side of dog grooming too. After all, that’s why I love what I do. Have you ever wondered how we do what we do, and what actually goes on behind closed doors in a grooming salon?
I will tell you everything, but only if you promise to sit and stay, and sometimes roll-over... or not. Either way, you are in for a treat!
So, pack those poo-bags and get ready to come on a doggie adventure with me.
PS I really want to know what you want to know, please comment on the blog about a dog, or ask me a question.
You can contact me via email info@studiopooch.com.au.
For gorgeous photos of my work check out my Instagram, or find my educational videos on Facebook, and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for pooch-perfect tips.
Or check out my business www.studiopooch.com.au.
Have a paw-fect day!